Hi all.  My co-listowner and myself are going to make some changes in our
mailing lists.  As I am running low on the time-thing, the co-owner is
going to take over dealing specifically with all of the error messages
while I continue mostly in the capacity of greeting new users (I have an
automated script that runs locally when they subscribe) and taking care of
the personal side of administrative issues.
Now, if I understand correct, I can set him as 'Errors-To=' and both of
us as owners and accomplish this, but I wanted to write here and make
sure that I am both correct in my approach and try to get the syntax down
correctly so I don't cause something to break.  Here is a copy of the
headers I've worked up for one of the lists.  Is this right? (I've XXX'd
the name of my co-owner if by chance he doesn't want to be advertised.)
*  Review=       Public
*  Subscription= Open,Confirm
*  Notify=       Yes
*  Files=        No
*  Send=         Private
*  Reply-to=     List,Respect
*  Validate=     No
*  X-tags=       Comment
*  Notebook=     Yes,L/301,Weekly,Public
*  Stats=        Normal,Private
*  Mail-Via=     Dist2
*  Default-Options= repro,noack
*  Renewal=     2-Monthly,Delay(14)
*  sizelim=     1000
*  Filter=      Also,postmast*@*,emailman@*,emailadmin@*,SSW1.POSTMSTR*@*
*  Errors-To=   [log in to unmask]
*  Owner=       [log in to unmask]  (Robert Hayden)
*  Owner=       [log in to unmask] (yadda yadda)
____        Robert A. Hayden       <=> [log in to unmask]
\  /__          -=-=-=-=-          <=>          -=-=-=-=-
 \/  /  Finger for Geek Code Info  <=> I do not necessarily speak for the
   \/   Finger for PGP Public Key  <=> City of Mankato or Blue Earth County
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1)  GAT d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
                       n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)