> Thanks Peter and Melvin for your suggestions.  The two subscribers
> Melvin mentioned Hofnews and IGC.APC.Org are indeed redistribution
> lists and may be the source of the problem.
> I have my list of subscriber's with the .CA extension.
> I haven't received any errors for the past few hours so perhaps it
> is over.  If not I'll follow Peter's strategy and try and track
> the Canadians.
> But maybe it was an April Fools joke.  Not funny however.
> Eleftheria Maratos-Flier
  Sorry its definitely no joke and mine do not date from April. They
  date from very significant dates in terms of something that I have
  been inverstigating. Thanks for the information--Paul.
Dr. Paul S. di Virgilio,  University of Toronto  [log in to unmask]