Date: Sat, 30 Apr 1994 13:07:24 CDT
   From: Rich Winkel <[log in to unmask]>
   I'd say that roughly half the time when I delete subscribers for email
   bounces and send them an explanation, they respond and ask to be put
   back on the list.  Sometimes a list distribute job runs on a machine
   which has temporarily forgotten how to reach a particular host, and
   direct email bypasses that machine.
That's the problem of list management -- determining which bounces are
permanent, and which are temporary.  You *could* remove anyone whose
mail ever bounces, but if it's hard work you're trying to avoid (and
I'm not talking about you or anyone in particular, Rich) then you
should probably not be running a mailing list.
-russ <[log in to unmask]>
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