Date: Fri, 27 May 1994 06:56:44 -0400
   From: Kenneth Blackwell <[log in to unmask]>
   On Thu, 26 May 1994, Russell Nelson wrote:
   > Actually, I was wrong.  According to Melvin, the LISTSERV will accept
   > mail with a Sender: address that's on the list.  So, any software that
   > sets the right Sender: will work so long as it's on the list.
   >    Thanks. I have learned there is a good possibility of replies from
   >    people who are not real subscribers to my list;
   > But may I ask what you consider a "real subscriber"?
   In view of the subscription service you propose to offer, you won't care
   for my answer :-) To me, a real subscriber is one whose name I know from
   my subscribers file and whose name is what Russell (that's Bertrand)
   called a proper name (it refers to one and only one individual person).
Thank you for your candor.  I would not subscribe anyone whom the list
owner does not wish to be subscribed.
-russ <[log in to unmask]>
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