Date: Sat, 28 May 1994 23:04:32 EST
   From: Nathan Brindle <[log in to unmask]>
   >   True, subscribing to a list can be a minor hassle.
   >Worse is getting *off* the list.  *That*'s the hassle.
   Bull!  It's just as easy to get off as it is to get on. ...
Sorry, you're wrong.  You refute yourself in the following paragraph:
   Sorry about the tirade, but I get so TIRED of people talking about how
   hard it is to use LISTSERV.  It ain't LISTSERV--it's the broken mailers
   and non-standard interfaces and mis-configured mail software that lie
   between the users and LISTSERV that cause half the problem, and uneducated
   users that cause the other half.
And people wonder how I could possibly make money doing this.  :)
-russ <[log in to unmask]>
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