On Fri, 27 May 1994 [log in to unmask] wrote:
> Eric has already copied this whole post to the NOG list. I just want to
> look at one point (4.) so I've deleted the rest.
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> (...)
> 4.      Remember that dropping CREN membership will result in your removal
> from the BITNET routing tables.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Will this be true within the proposed structure for GNJE? Can an
> organization ask for exclusivity in its region? What will be the
> policy for the EARN region? Can a country decide not to join
> NewOrg but still be included in the GNJE?
> Apologies if this is made clear in the GNJE proposal and I missed it.
> David
You did not miss it as it is not clear. Note that even if the EARN board
in general accepted the proposal, it did not decide on the detail of the
payment and membership. Also, the EARN board only represents part of the
NJE world. EARN will discuss this with CREN at a meeting on 12.6.