On Thu, 2 Jun 1994 19:18 -0400, Lissa Mosley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Today I got notification that an organization had subscribed to my list,
> with a username identical to my listname:
Correct.  The specifications for 'VEGAN-L@TEMPLEVM' include the keywords:
*  Notebook= Yes,A,Weekly,Public
*  Notify= Yes
*  Review= Public
*  Send= Private
*  Subscription= Open
 - allows *any* person to review the list's notebook files,
 - notifies you of new subscriptions,
 - allows *any* person to review the list's list-of-subscribers,
 - allows only *subscribers* to post to the list,
 - allows *any* person to subscribe to the list.
>> As of Thursday, June the 2nd of 1994, Newsgroup_on APC_networks
>> <[log in to unmask]> has  subscribed to your distribution  list VEGAN-L
> Apparently, IGC.APC.ORG is a for-fee internet service called PEACENET which
> provides access to various lists and news groups.  My understanding is that
> our messages will be posted to a "shadow group" on PEACENET.  Additionally,
> PEACENET subscribers will be able to post to my list via this one
> subscription.
They will be allowed to post to your 'SEND=PRIVATE' list if:
 - their ID is also listed as a subscriber (probably in 'NOMAIL/NOFILE' status)
 - or, the PEACENET software inserts a tag like:
      Sender:  mumble mumble <[log in to unmask]>
   into the "headers" of each posting emitted from that source.
> No one contacted me ahead of time to ask permission or inform me
> that they would be doing this.
You defined your list as 'SUBSCRIPTION= OPEN',
so that is one consequence of *your* choice.
> I am amazed that a commercial organization would behave
> in such an unprofessional manner.
> Is that as inappropriate as I think it is?
> Has anyone here had experience with this group or a similar one?
IMHO, their actions were *not* unprofessional nor inappropriate.
One large list I own has many "redistribution" lists listed as subscribers,
and I welcome them, because it means less Internet traffic between my host
and the redistributing-host.