On Thu, 23 Jun 1994 13:11:21 EDT "Sathaye, Shashi"
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>We have  2 lists  at UKCC which  have become far  too busy  and generate
>thousands of mail pieces per day. I want to find out 3 things
>1. Is it possible to set an 'expiration' date to the subscription? If so
>how do I do it? Does the subscriber get notified to resubscribe? I think
>many of the subscribers got in for  curiosity and do not know how to get
>out, or do not know that they must unsubscribe.
Well, I  find it difficult to  believe that someone subscribed  to a list
generating thousands of  postings a day is just sitting  by doing nothing
because he doesn't know how to sign  off :-) Or did you mean thousands of
daily recipients, rather than messages?