To Whom it May Concern,
I recently started an e-mail list of woodworkers that use a machine know as a
ShopSmith. The ShopSmith is a multipurpose machine with a table saw, lathe, disk
sander and drill press as the base configuration, and numerous other tools can be
added on as funds allow. About 50 people responded to a suggestion to start an
e-mail group dedicated to the unique problems and advantages of the ShopSmith,
instead of posting to rec.woodworking. There can be 200 posting per day on
rec.woodworking, and thats a lot of noise to deal with. We have been using long
alias lists to mail to each other, but that is becoming cumbersome. I was advised
that a listserver could be set up to more efficiently handle our group. If someone
is interested in assisting us by establishing such a server please contact me and
I can provide any additional information that would be needed.
Thanks for your attention.
Thomas Chimento
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