OK - I am a bit lazy (as well as overworked - updating an AS/400)
Could any one send me an example of such an exit to send an additional
mail message to new subscribers.
|   Russell N. Hathhorn                       |  Bitnet: SYSMAINT@PCCVM       |
|   IBM Systems Programmer/Analyst            |  Compu$erve: 76636,1036       |
|   Portland Community College                |  Voice: (503) 244-6111 x 4705 |
|   12000 S. W. 49th Avenue                   |  Fax:   (503) 324-7010        |
|   Portland, Oregon  97219-0990              |  "     Just say NO to OCO   " |
|   Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles          |          NRA Life Member      |
|  "And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not        |
|  warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of           |
|  resistance ?  Let them take arms ... The tree of liberty must be           |
|  refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.       |
|     Thomas Jefferson (letter to William S. Smith, 1787, in                  |
|     Jefferson, On Democracy 20, S. Padover, ed., 1939).                     |