It's easy to change the headders via email from UNIX platorms.
Tell your co-owner to simply send in:
get healthre (head  pw=xxxxxxxxx
get healthre (head nolock  pw=xxxxxxxx
which is what I usually use as 95% of the time I'm the only one who ever
messes with the header.  I usually have a copy of the current header
hanging around somewhere in case I need to make a quick change. The header
arrives with the put instructions handily already in place so all you have
to do is make the changes, replace PW=XXXXXXXX with the real password (I
use my personal password) and pop it back.
Now if you want to get and put the *entire* list (which I don't think
a good idea) you might need something like that LB64 (or whatever) that
Mr. Burns mentioned.
I also am the only one who ever makes any changes to our filelist, and
I have no trouble doing it via email from UNIX.
If your co-owner has trouble, tell him to write to the list.
        Douglas Winship    Austin, Texas    [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner