I encountered something today which I find interesting in light of
Anthea's problems.  It purports to be the FAQ (sort of) for those
wanting to invade and destroy established lists, seemingly just
for the fun of it (like the fun of destroying peoples' computers
by writing new virus programs?)
If it is a hoax, it seems well done.  It is supposedly an established
organization under the name NEWSGROUP.INVADERZ .  Listed are addresses
of "founding members" and a welcome to new "members" with the supposed
addresses of all.  The steps in destroying a list seem well thought out
to keep the legitimate subscribers and the listowner off balance until
the list is reduced to garbage, which seems to be the point of the "game."
It seems one "wins" if one's address is installed  in some sort of filter.
Has anyone else seen this?  If so, do you know if it is a hoax or not?
I'm not sending the text of the thing as it is long and it could be a
hoax.  I'll send it to the list if asked.
        Douglas Winship    Austin, Texas    [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner