On Sun, 19 Jun 1994 14:10:40 -0500 Natalie Maynor said:
>I don't consider myself anything other than the mechanic on the lists I
>"own."  I don't see my role as one of judging content.  The lists belong
>to the subscribers.
At USC, we have the reverse as policy.  I make it perfectly clear
to the listowner that the listowner (or primary listowner,
if more than one) is the ultimate, final authority on the list, including
the contents of the list, and the list options (within acceptable parameters).
Subscribers, if they refuse to accept this, may set up their own list,
on their own systems.   (Lists at USC are set up for the benefit of
USC staff, faculty, and students, and must have a USC listowner).
In other words, lists do not belong to the subscribers.
(john riehl)