> >> can an owner send one out on command. A member said he got a truncated
+ digest
> >>and asked me to send it again. I didn't know if I could and if so how.
> >
> >   In my experience, truncated mail including digests is a fairly common
> >   occurrence on a few systems.  It is probably a data dependent error.
> ...
> >Wayne Smith
> An interesting explanation for what happened, but there might be a simpler
> one: a mailer that will accept only so many lines, and no more.  I have a
> friend whose mailer regularly chops off whatever exceeds its maximum.  Your
> list digest for that day might have been longer than usual, and met this
> fate in your listmember's mailer.
> Just a thought.
> Mario Rups (whose mailer, whatever its faults, once accepted the entire,
>      uncompressed text of King Solomon's Mines without a whimper)
> [log in to unmask]
  Mario is probably right on this one. That is why sending a graphic
  even an MRI to a list can cause chaos. Most sites only allow 128 K
  which is already better than the 64 K that we used to encounter. The
  problem is that all the bounced mail comes back as errors to me. One
  very positive thing that systems can do is not to return the
  text, just the header. Many already do this. Compressing can also
  lead to problems in systems that don't recognize binary texts and
  reject them as corrupt. A simple hidden character at the top of the
  header can cause chaos.  -- Paul.
Dr. Paul S. di Virgilio,  University of Toronto  [log in to unmask]