On Wed, 20 Jul 1994 07:49:00 EDT Peter M. Weiss +1 814 863 1843 said:
>Another reason why it is NOT good procedure to manually ADD
>(unless of course it is Subscription=By_Owner) is that
>list-owners do maek mis-steaks when they type in [log in to unmask]
   True enough.  But when they see the bounce from the welcome message
they get a clue.  o-)
   This is religious warfare territory, and since there isn't one 'right'
way in my opinion, I do both.  I prefer folks sub and unsub themselves.
But....if they don't, I add them, which I find quicker than trying to
teach them how to do so, even with a form letter.
  Whatever works....another of the wonders of LISTSERV, you have a LOT of
  Dan Lester                          Internet: [log in to unmask]
  Network Information Coordinator     WWW: http://cyclops.idbsu.edu
  Boise State University Library
  Boise, Idaho  83725                 In the kingdom of the blind, the
  208-385-1235                        one-eyed man is king.  Erasmus. 1523