On Fri, 22 Jul 1994 00:08:54 +0200 Eric Thomas said:
>On Thu, 21 Jul 1994 17:38:05 -0500 Ol' blue eyes
><[log in to unmask]> said:
>>        It's  *easy*  to set  a  bad  address  nomail, so  'renew'  will
>>        eventually delete it, or delete it.
>Most lists do not use "renew", and a  user that got set NOMAIL is as good
>as a signed  off user. In fact,  setting NOMAIL would be  even worse. The
>user, not  seeing any mail, would  send a SUBSCRIBE command,  and be told
>he's already  on the list.
I always wondered about this....  Why doesn't LISTSERV say, "You're
already on the list, your settings are ... and if you want to receive
mail again, just SET listname MAIL."
* Intelligence demands reasons, not rules.