After a  successful beta-test  phase, a  FIX17FT1 update  is about  to be
distributed to all the 1.7f  servers registered in PEERS NAMES, including
non-CREN members, but excluding servers  that have already been sent 1.8a
but  did not  load  it yet  (to prevent  the  accidental installation  of
FIX17FT1 on top of 1.8a).
If for  any reason you receive  1.8a before installing FIX17FT1,  you can
either load  FIX17FT1 and install  1.8a on top  of it, or  simply discard
FIX17FT1  with an  INSTALL CANCEL  FIX17FT1 command.  It does  not matter
since the 1.8a  update replaces all the files included  in FIX17FT1. But,
whatever you do, do not install FIX17FT1 on top of 1.8a.
Mandatory legal disclaimer: the FIX17FT1  update is being offered by Eric
Thomas,  at no  charge  and  on an  exceptional  basis,  pursuant to  the
"Program maintenance" section of  the electronic licensing agreement that
came  with version  1.7 of  LISTSERV.  L-Soft international  Inc. is  not
involved in the delivery of this  update. L-Soft's only guarantee is that
it will  not charge  you anything  for installing  or using  the FIX17FT1
update. Note  that this disclaimer does  not apply to FIX18AT,  which was
provided by L-Soft  to its customers under the terms  of their respective
maintenance agreements.
FIX17FT1 replaces a number of data files, enabling INTPEERS NAMES support
and  basic  LISTSERV-TCP/IP  ("LTCP")  exploitation through  the  use  of
"inactive" code  in 1.7f. The  development of the LTCP  exploitation code
started a  few months before  the release of  1.7f (April 1993),  and was
about halfway  through on the date  of release. Thus, it  was possible to
activate  basic LTCP  exploitation by  enabling this  inactive code,  and
retrofitting all  fixes and adjustments made  since then to that  part of
LISTSERV. Luckily, it turned out that  the only module that really needed
changing was  LSVBITFD. Consequently,  FIX17FT1 does not  replace LSWPLIB
and will not overwrite your local modifications.
Unfortunately,  the  inactive code  shipped  with  1.7f did  not  include
support for SERVICE NAMES yet. SERVICE NAMES support required significant
but straightforward  changes to  one part  of LISTSERV,  and a  number of
small  changes to  other  functions,  as the  information  returned by  a
central routine  could then take  the form  of an Internet  hostname. The
central change could be retrofitted easily,  or it could even be emulated
by  feeding 1.7f  a specially  tailored  copy of  DOMAIN NAMES.  However,
tracking all the small changes was  more difficult, especially as some of
them were  done in the process  of converting a particular  function from
REXX to PASCAL. It was felt that implementing SERVICE NAMES support would
require extensive,  wide-scale beta-testing (due  to the large  number of
seldom used, peripheral functions  impacted) and could impact robustness.
The FIX17FT1 change, on  the other hand, is much safer  since the code is
over one  year old and presumably  all the bugs have  already been found.
The fixes for  these bugs were available for review,  the applicable ones
were retrofitted, and the resulting code was tested on a large server for
several days without problem.
Concretely, this  means that FIX17FT1  will provide LTCP  exploitation as
1. Interoperability: full solution. Servers with FIX17FT1 will again know
   about the  lists hosted by  servers which  migrated to LTCP,  and will
   also broadcast information about their  own lists to LTCP servers. The
   same goes with  the other "network wide" functions. Thus,  the loss of
   end-user functionality  caused by  the move of  other servers  to LTCP
   will be solved by the application  of FIX17FT1 (within a week or two).
   There  will again  be  a  single LISTSERV  network,  and  not an  "old
   network" plus a "new network". The fix will also eliminate many of the
   error messages about "Server XXX not found in peers table".
2. Performance: partial solution. While the  LTCP servers can be used for
   DISTRIBUTE purposes upon the application  of FIX17FT1, this usage will
   remain limited  because SERVICE  NAMES support  is not  included. 1.8a
   will be required for full DISTRIBUTE exploitation.
A current  copy of INTPEERS NAMES  will be distributed shortly  after the