We are running a moderated submission list for a local group here at
UCF.  Somewhere I could have sworn that I read that when the Editor
forwards the message back to the list, that listserv would distribute the
mail with the headers such that it looks like the mail came from the
person who actually sent the mail, not from the editors account.  But now
I can't find this reference anywhere.  Is this correct or am I
hallucinating?  What could be the cause of the the problem if this is doable?
(  Michael D. Bray            )(  UCF.CUG Co-director       )
(  bray @ pegasus.cc.ucf.edu  )(  - TRAIN.SIG Coordinator   )
(  mxb  @ engr.ucf.edu        )(  - HELP.SIG Coordinator    )
(  ~~~~~~~~~~~ http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~bray/ ~~~~~~~~~~~ )