On Tue, 5 Jul 1994 12:26:10 -0700 Gene Glass said:
>   So I changed the header by adding
>        Filter= joe@*      because "joe" the problem, has three or four
>   nodes but always subs as user joe.
If 'joe' is real (and not made up for the sake of your example) then you
are running a slight risk of not accepting mail from joe@anywhere where
joe might be a totally different person who has a legitimate need to post
to your list.
>        The header got rejected with this message:
>   Error: Invalid parameter value. Choose one from the following:
>         (w/o quotes) "Also," "Only" or "Safe."
Change your line to:
*  Filter= Also,joe@some-better-node-filter-than-*
Just MHO.