On Fri, 22 Jul 1994 12:47:23 EDT Kathleen Buckley said:
>Who would handle :internet tag changes.
>How is this accomplished and is it done on an individual basis or enmass?
>Thanks for your help
Since your organization is a CREN member your techrep or admin can
add/modify/delete :internet (and many other tags) in your node entries
by sending an update job to the Update Verification Program (UPDATE@BITNIC).
Your admin and techrep is Lou Menendez (BBEAEAA@CFRVM).  For more information
on the :internet tag get the file INTERNET TAG from [log in to unmask]
Other general questions on the Update Verification Program can be sent to
[log in to unmask]
The values on the :internet tags are used to generate the file INTERNET
LISTING, which is updated on LISTSERV@BITNIC each month.
Larry Snodgrass