Our list, the financial economics network, has four
   topics= WPS:,APS:,COM:, and EDU:
   This morning, another colleague using quickmail at
   Harvard is attempting to post to the list. We want
   our WPS: subscribers to get the mail.
   However, his mailer is sending WPS- to the listserv
   (1.8a) and we are getting the message distributed to
   69 people, when about 3700 people are on the list. We
   know that the mailer at Harvard is doing this.
   Question: is there a short solution so that we can mail
   to all of our subscriber without using a topics command?
   Or do we have to use WPS: or some other identifier with
   a colon :  Your help your be greatly appreciated since
   the mailing needs to go out today.
   Wayne Marr   FEN   [log in to unmask]    Thanks in advance