This morning, I found two "you are not authorized" messages
telling me that I wasn't authorized to post to WMST-L from my
[log in to unmask] account (a domain address I'd
never seen before).  The message that was being rejected was a message
that I had SUCCESSFULLY posted from my korenman@umbc account three or
four days ago!  Moreover, both "you are not authorized" messages came
from the same place about the same message.
        I also received a message this morning from a WMST-L
subscriber in New Zealand saying that she had just had the same
experience: she was being told she was not authorized to post a
message from her [log in to unmask] account,
and that she too had received two of these, and both had to do with
the same message that she had successful posted days earlier.  Thus,
my guess is that LOTS of subscribers are getting these messages, and
some of them will probably then REPOST their messages--the last thing
my busy list needs.
        Can anyone figure out where the problem lies?  WMST-L has no
subscribers at but lots of subscribers at both and and, so I can't just set them all
to nomail.   Here's the message I received (I'm leaving whatever
headers may prove useful):
From:   IN%"[log in to unmask]"  "BITNET list server at UMDD" 15-SEP-1994 01:23:28.23
To:     IN%"[log in to unmask]"
Subj:   Rejected posting to WMST-L@UMDD
Return-path: <[log in to unmask]>
 by UMBC2.UMBC.EDU (PMDF V4.3-11 #1) id <[log in to unmask]>;
 Thu, 15 Sep 1994 01:23:22 -0500 (EST)
Received: from UMINN1 by VM1.SPCS.UMN.EDU (Mailer R2.10 ptf000)
 with BSMTP id 5921; Thu, 15 Sep 94 00:21:18 CDT
Received: from VX.CIS.UMN.EDU by (IBM VM SMTP V2R1)
 with TCP; Thu, 15 Sep 94 00:21:15 CDT
Received: from UMDD.UMD.EDU ($MAILER@UMDD)
 by VX.CIS.UMN.EDU (PMDF V4.2-13 #2574) id <[log in to unmask]>;
 Thu, 15 Sep 1994 00:21:51 CDT
Received: from UMDD.UMD.EDU by UMDD.UMD.EDU (Mailer R2.10 ptf000)
 with BSMTP id 7110; Thu, 15 Sep 94 01:19:04 EDT
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 01:19:05 -0400
From: BITNET list server at UMDD <[log in to unmask]> (1.8a)
Subject: Rejected posting to WMST-L@UMDD
To: [log in to unmask]
Message-id: <[log in to unmask]>
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
You   are    not   authorized   to    mail   to   list   WMST-L    from   your
[log in to unmask] account. You might be authorized to post
[rest of boilerplate deleted].
------------------------- Rejected message (58 lines) -------------------------
Received: from UMNACVX.BITNET by UMDD.UMD.EDU (Mailer R2.10 ptf000) with BSMTP
 id 7093; Thu, 15 Sep 94 01:17:46 EDT
Received: from by VX.CIS.UMN.EDU (PMDF V4.2-13 #2574) id
 <[log in to unmask]>; Thu, 15 Sep 1994 00:16:12 CDT
Received: from by id SMTP-0032e77d887010994;
 Thu, 15 Sep 94 00:15:51 -0500
Received: by; Thu, 15 Sep 94 00:15:18 -0500
Received: from by; Sun,
 11 Sep 94 19:29:48 -0500
Received: from KSUVM.KSU.EDU by (IBM VM SMTP V2R1) with BSMTP
 id 4253; Sun, 11 Sep 94 19:28:33 CDT
 (LMail V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 7862; Sun, 11 Sep 1994 19:29:25 -0500
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 1994 20:28:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joan Korenman <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: WMST-L Annoucement Policy (User's Guide)
Sender: Women's Studies List <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list WMST-L <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-to: Women's Studies List <[log in to unmask]>
Message-id: <[log in to unmask]>
X-Envelope-to: [log in to unmask]
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Status: RO
[text of message deleted]
        I usually can figure these things out, but this one stumps me.
I'd be most grateful for assistance.
        Joan Korenman, WMST-L Listowner   KORENMAN@UMBC
        Univ. of MD. Baltimore County     [log in to unmask]
        Baltimore, Maryland 21228-5398