I've been asked by someone to manually add their address to my list.
Their "natural" address is over 80 characters and is rejected by Listserv, so
they gave me a shorter address which they can't self-sub.  The shorter
address contains ":" and "%" in the user-id.
When I ADD it, I'm notified that he's added, however the WELCOME file
bounces back as "user unknown" although the rejected address shows that
quotes have been added around the user-id, I guess because it contains ":"
and "%".
(1) Do I presume correctly that if the WELCOME file gets bounced in this
manner, that list messages will be bounced also?  (My list newsletter is
not due out for another week, but I'd like to know now.)
(2) If the address is valid as given, is there any other way around this?
(Of course, I need to explore whether the address I've been given is in
fact valid.)
-- Roger Burns   [log in to unmask]
   List-owner, CFS-NEWS based at [log in to unmask]