To anyone who needs to know something about Majordomo, perhaps because
you subscribe to a list that uses it, Jim Milles of the Saint Louis
University Law Library and Listowner of [log in to unmask]
recently issued over that list a document entitled: Discussion lists:
Mail Server Commands.   In it he describes how to perform the most
common list functions (subscribe, unsub, get a digest, suspend mail,
get a list of subscribers, etc., etc.) in 5 of the most common mailer
programs: ListServ, ListProc, Mailbase, Mailserv, and Majordomo.
Copies of the Milles document are available by e-mail and anonymous FTP.
   E-MAIL:  Send a message containing only the line
            to: [log in to unmask]
            Log on as: anonymous
            Use your email address as password
            cd /nettrain
            get mailser.cmd
            FTP SLUAXA.SLU.EDU
            Log on as shown above
            cd /pub/millesjg
            get mailser.cmd
Judith Hopkins
Technical Services Research and Analysis Officer
Central Technical Services
Lockwood Library Building
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY  14260-2200
Phone:    (716) 645-2796
FAX:      (716) 645-5955
BITNET:   [log in to unmask]
INTERNET: [log in to unmask]
Listowner: AUTOCAT@UBVM / [log in to unmask]