Hi. I know how _I_ can do that in my situation, but I'm not sure how
you will do it. I use a Unix environment where "grep" is an option.
Here is what I would do. I hope you can figure out something that
works in your situation.
(1) query <listname> for *@*
    send that command to your listserver. Don't use brackets around
    the listname.
(2) move the returned message to a file. Let's call it "listquery"
(3) grep -2 Mail=No listquery | cat > nomailers
    I think that's the right syntax. The "-2" will show two lines
    above and below each occurrence of "Mail=No". If you are using
    Listserv 1.7(some version), you might need to grep "Mail= No".
    The way to know what to grep is to just look at the file when
    listserv returns it to you. See how nomail is expressed. There
    will either be a space or not. Act accordingly.
(4) do whatever you must to read the new file "nomailers". Maybe
    you use "more", or "less", or "emacs", or whatever. This file
    will contain all addresses currently not receiving mail.
Note that messages are distributed to some 300, did you say?, of
subscribers. That only covers subscribers set to mail. People getting
digests are not counted in that, so you actually have fewer people set
to nomail than you think.
Hint: you might also try "grep -1", which might be a cleaner result.
In my case, actually, "grep -1" gives a perfect and neat result, but
maybe if there are some collosal addresses in your list, it might not
work. Just try it each way.
If push comes to shove and you aren't using a Unix environment, you
can always export the file listserv returns to a word processor, and
just search on either "mail= no" or "mail=no", and make note of who is
set to nomail. The grepping and file creating (nomailers) is a nice
fast way to go, but the only thing you really must do is get that
query from the listserv. Once you have that, there are a number of
ways to see what is what.
Good Luck!
Carl Reimann
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