>I asked for this information before, but alas I've misplaced it. :(
>How do I create a FILELIST on a LISTSERV, I understand that
>there are certain steps for the postmaster (which I'm not) and
>certain steps for the owner (which I am).
cms best advice is to read the expert documentation provided by
Jim (gerland@ubvm) that he has stored on the archives.  Email
[log in to unmask]  The INDEX is called LSVOWNER, but
the doc is called LSVOWNER FIL-LIST.  I'm including an abstracted
INDEX: you should GET the file.
*  LSVOWNER FILELIST for [log in to unmask]
  LSVOWNER $PACKAGE   ALL GER V      75    20 94/07/07 19:11:41 The Welcome Mail
  LSVOWNER READY      ALL GER V      72    20 94/05/02 12:26:39 'Your List is Re
  LSVOWNER WELCOME    ALL GER V      74    19 94/05/02 12:26:39 'Welcome to this
  LSVOWNER TXT        ALL GER V      79    44 94/05/02 12:26:39 Generic List Own
  LSVOWNER NEW-LIST   ALL GER V      77    28 94/05/02 12:26:39 New List Announc
  LSVOWNER GATEWAY    ALL GER V      73   162 94/05/02 12:26:39 USENET News Gate
  LSVOWNER HEADERS    ALL GER F      80    36 94/07/07 15:14:49 CMS Instructions
  LSVOWNER FIL-LIST   ALL GER F      80   258 94/05/02 12:26:38 "       "
  LISTSERV TIPS       ALL GER F      80  1568 94/05/02 12:26:38 Lisa Covi's Doc.