I don't think LISTSERV is the best tool to use for gathering anonymous
 opinions.  It's great at the gathering part of course, but there are no
 facilities for keeping things anonymous.  One simple way to handle this
 would be to have the students send mail to some account, then write
 some quick REXX code to read the mail, remove the headers and log the
 responses a file.  That's one of the things I ended up doing when a
 similar project came up.  Just keep in mind that it's pretty easy to
 end up with people's names and e-mail addresses in the log files if
 students don't turn off their "sig" files, or if some oddball mail
 system chooses to include mail headers in the body of the note itself.
 Believe it or not, one of the best ways to do something like this is
 to use a MUD. :)