Roger Burns <!CAP.GWU.EDU!rburns> writes:
> For one thing, the NEW-LIST database at is by no means
> limited to Revised Listserv lists -- it contains announcements for all
> kinds of lists.  Also there's the List of Lists (I forget its current
> address -- help, anyone?).
> It wouldn't be a good idea to *replace* the current global list of
> Listserv lists since then there'll be no reference as to which lists all
> operate with the Listserv command structure.  Plus, that global listing
> interrelates with a lot of the larger Listserv network structure and so
> replacing it would make for many problems.
> Regarding creating a global Listproc listing, you might propose that to
> [log in to unmask] or perhaps they already have one.
> -- Roger Burns   [log in to unmask]
Could someone point me to a global list of lists?
If such an animal does not exist or is out of date,
would anyone like a volunteer to create/manage such
an animal? Thanks...
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