Pretty smart, if there is, but I would like to disable it like I have
disabled Auto-delete.  To get to the point, it looks like "someone" set
this person's options to "nomail,nofile" while he was on vacation.
I certainly didn't and I'm almost as sure that none of the other
listowners would have.  What's going on?
================ Forwarded message (edited)================
From: Alan Taylor <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Output of your job "ataylor2" (fwd)
I was away on holiday for a month or so.  The last (of many!) messages
that I have received [is attached below].  I have not received any mail
from the  list since then.  What is going on?  I did not request any
change.  I wish to continue receiving mail from the ballroom list.
Alan Taylor
[log in to unmask]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 1994 17:58:59 -0400
From: BITNET list server at MITVMA <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Output of your job "ataylor2"
Your subscription options have been successfully updated. Here are the exact
settings now  in use  for your  subscription. Please take  a few  moments to
check that this is indeed what you wanted.
Subscription options for Alan Taylor <[log in to unmask]>, list BALLROOM:
Ack=No, Mail=No, Files=No, Repro=Yes, Header=Full, Conceal=No
Summary of resource utilization
 CPU time:        0.024 sec                Device I/O:    22
 Overhead CPU:    0.007 sec                Paging I/O:     1
 CPU model:        9121                    DASD model:  3380