Earlier John Arnfield said:
 >>I can confirm this.  Since my list is moderated, these people don't
 >>get to subscribe but the last list description I sent to this address
 >>(my usual procedure when LISTSERV tells me someone tried to subscribe)
 >>generated about 50 of these error messages which arrived at intervals
 >>of about 1 hour.
 >>I am currently discussing this matter with the person listed as tech
 >>rep for this site on the NIC.
 >>If I learn anything useful, I'll post it here.
On my list, I've deleted the subscription from AX.COM but the
messages keep on coming. Are their non-delivery messages
delayed significantly and if I wait a while longer (it's been 12
hours already) they'll stop? Or should I start checking my other
recent subscriptions to see if any of the addresses are funneled
through AX.COM?
The truly aggravating thing about this situation is that the
non-delivery messages are going to many, if not all, of my
subscribers too.
-Debbie Douglass
May your sword always be within reach and may your foe's skill and
luck be less than your own.
Debbie Douglass
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