One of the user's on our system here, who owns a list, send me the
message appended to the end.  Apparently, we created a list with the
same name as one that already existed.  But since the addresses are
different, they shouldn't be interferring with each other, should they?
Chris Barnes                                 (409) 846-3273 (home)
[log in to unmask]                      (409) 845-8300 (work)
"Love is not an emotion; love is a comittment"  -  Gary Libby
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Chris!  Help!  Does this mean we "should" rename this list.  Why would
the name affect routing?  Mexico (.mx) and (.edu) are certainly different.
Anyway, Please send suggestions/comments!
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I am very interested in knowing the exact date when [log in to unmask] was
activated, am I correct in assuming it was on August 5, 1994?
If this is correct, it seems that this list is interfering with
[log in to unmask] (Knowing Mexico's people and places), at least
within the United States. None of the members of Mexican Exiles for Democracy is
receiving ANY mail from the latter, even though, apparently, our messages get
through to the list.
I'd appreciate any and all information that may help us correct this strange
behavior of the other MEXICO-L.
Luis Melgoza
for the International Executive Committe,
Mexican Exiles for Democracy.
Luis Melgoza <[log in to unmask]>