--- Retrieving from database / Eugenio Gatto. - Torino, 1994-12-28
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 1994 14:51:00 -0800
From: Sylvia Caras <[log in to unmask]> :
"Here's what I sent to Listserv... :
Select * in MADNESS.1267
Print <1267>
Just leave out the angle brackets: "PRINT 1267". And (in such a case)
you can simply write "PRINT", since it means 'print everything
selected': the selection was for the single item #1267 in database
MADNESS. I prefer to include always an INDEX statement between SELECT
and PRINT: silly here, but generally useful for scanning a (huge)
subsequent set of retrieved items, or documenting a PRINT request
narrower (by explicit numbering) than the original SELECT.
LDBASE-L@UKANVM is dedicated to discussion (no fear of filling your
mailbox) of LISTSERV database searching techniques. Hope this helps;
<-- Eugenio Gatto    (CIDEM, Politecnico di Torino, Italia)
    [log in to unmask]