On Tue, 17 Jan 22:06 SKEPTIC List Owner Taner Edis <[log in to unmask]>
>Is there any way to control how a lists' mail is distributed, through Bitnet
>or Internet? That is, I have some addresses that get mail through Bitnet, so
>that the list messages appear from "[log in to unmask]" to them,
>while Internet works fine when they deal with LISTSERV itself, giving
>"[log in to unmask]" as the From: address. I would like not to be at the mercy of
>the Bitnet gateway computer www.zzz.edu, since Internet seems to work better.
This depends on the configuration of the mailer at the LISTSERV host-site
(JHUVM) and the configuration at the receiving site.
For example, the administrators of the 'IASTATE.EDU' domain
have defined a "gateway" between BITNET and their local-area network.
If you enter the VM/CMS command:
  tell mailer at jhuvm show route iastate.edu
you'll get the information:
   From JHUVM(MAILER): * IASTATE.EDU is routed as follows:
i.e., all E-mail for any user in the 'IASTATE.EDU' is to be sent, over BITNET,
to the ID [log in to unmask]  Their mailer will rewrite the 'SENDER:' line to
read [log in to unmask], to provide a valid "reverse"
path, should the user wish to reply to the incoming E-mail.
Since the administrators have defined this gateway,
they *WANT* you to be at their mercy.