Peter M. Weiss wrote:
>It is my understanding that when a list-owner uses the ADD
>command, that no further confirmation takes place.  It might
>be that the owner has to have appended a PW=password though.
and Nathan Brindle followed with:
>Peter is correct, ADD bypasses the subscription confirmation process,
>although the addee still gets the standard "You have been added" and
>listname WELCOME file (if one is available).
Unfortunately, the above is not true for my list, perhaps because I have both
Subscription= Open,Confirm and
Validate= Yes,Confirm,NoPW
I have tried 2 commands of the form:
add datarecd [log in to unmask] First M. Last pw=ppppppp
In both cases I, as owner, was prompted to confirm the command. I have not
yet tried the approach suggested by Norm Aleks involving the command-job
feature because I wasn't very comfortable with the syntax. I think I'll try
that next.
Norm, if I do use the commands:
quiet add lib-disc DD=NAMES
[log in to unmask]                 Norm Aleks
[log in to unmask]                     Joe User
as you suggested, what is the meaning of "LIB-DISC-ADD"? How do I determine
that parameter for my application? Also, will this technique send the "You
have been subscribed ..." and Welcome files to all the new users?
Thanks very much to each of you for your help! At least I'm learning!
|  Leon D. Wald                      3M Company                |
|  [log in to unmask]                    Storage Media Laboratory  |
|  (612) 733-3223 (Voice)            3M Center, 235-3B-30      |
|  (612) 736-6843 (FAX)              St. Paul, MN 55144-1000   |
|    The opinions are mine ... and certainly don't represent   |
|         the official position of 3M or anyone else!          |