>     To further compound the cover-up, many listserv list
>managers indulge in covert censorship of Internet information.
>They manipulate the flow of information in support of the
>demagogues and receive rewards of honors, degrees, promotion, and
>tenure. Many others feign the moderation of lists and then censor
>them to conform to their own idea of political correctness
>(totalitarianism). The <actnow-l> list managers will not tolerate
>these practices and will expose them at every opportunity.
It sounds to me as if we have some net vigilantes at work!  In my experience,
moderated lists are as often "leftist" as "totalitaran."  The actnow-l people
are going to have a hard time "exposing" these evil moderators, since by
definition said moderators control what appears on their lists!
Lydia Fish
Listowner vwar-l (*definitely* an unmoderated list!)