Hello.  I'm setting up  my first couple of  "real"  lists on  LISTSERV, and
have run into a situation  I hope you  can help me  with.  Actually I think
that what I'm looking at just may not work with LISTSERV -- but it could be
I'm looking at it the wrong way.
What I want is to make a list open to users whose e-mail addresses indicate
they work within our   library.  There are  two  types of e-mail  address a
library worker   could have:  *@Library.UMMED.EDU   (like mine),  or,  more
commonly, a  Banyan  address of *@[log in to unmask]   When sent  out over  the
Internet, the Banyan address turns into *[log in to unmask]
Here's how I set up the list header (excluding the description lines):
*  Review= Private                Subscription= Open,Confirm
*  Send= Private                  Notify= Yes
*  Reply-to= List,Respect         Files= No
*  Stats= Normal,Public           Errors-To= Owners
*  Default-Options= Ack           Daily-Threshold= 12
*  Confidential= Service          Validate= Yes,Confirm
*  Service= LIBRARY.UMMED.EDU, *[log in to unmask]
*  Notebook= Yes, /home/listserv/lib-disc,Monthly,Private
*  Owner= [log in to unmask] (Norm Aleks)
*  Digest= Yes,Same,Daily,0,Size(2000)
I believe the  relevant keyword here is  "Service=".  Our  Banyan addresses
don't match the pattern I gave, and I think this is because only the "node"
("host" on the Internet) is matched -- the username  is stripped off before
matching.  Is that right?   If so, I think I  can't do what I want, because
the  Banyan  gateway buries the library   affiliation in the "username."  I
could put "BANYAN.UMMED.EDU"  into the Service= line, but  then I'd need to
use "Subscription= By_Owner", and I wanted to avoid that.
Is there any way to match based on username,  as well?  Has anyone run into
a  similar problem?  How  did you solve it?   Or am  I  just not seeing the
"Life's like a movie / Write your own ending"   -- Kermit