Thanks for the many responses to my questions on adding a list of
subscribers by the owner. As someone said, I had lots of things to try, and
I think I have tried most of them. With reduced security, I indeed now do
not have to confirm each addition. However I have another problem: Listserv
refuses to send out any confirmation or welcome messages to the new users.
Its like Quiet has been set as a default option for the list!
The commands I have tried are the simple ADD:
add nmltest [log in to unmask] pw=xxxxxxx
and I have also tried the command stream suggested by Norm Aleks.
The header for the test list I am working with is below:
*  List-ID= nmltest
*  List-Address= [log in to unmask]
*  Review= Private
*  Subscription= Open
*  Confirm-Delay= 72
*  Notify= Yes
*  Auto-Delete= No
*  Send= Private
*  Reply-to= List,Respect
*  Files= No
*  Confidential= No
*  Validate= Yes
*  X-Tags= Yes
*  Stats= Normal,Private
*  Ack= No
*  Digest= Yes,/home/listserv/nmltest,Daily,Size(1000),23:59
*  Notebook= Yes,/home/listserv/nmltest,Monthly,Private
*  Owner= [log in to unmask],[log in to unmask]
*  Owner= [log in to unmask],[log in to unmask],[log in to unmask]
*  Errors-to= Owner,Postmaster
|  Leon D. Wald                      3M Company                |
|  [log in to unmask]                    Storage Media Laboratory  |
|  (612) 733-3223 (Voice)            3M Center, 235-3B-30      |
|  (612) 736-6843 (FAX)              St. Paul, MN 55144-1000   |
|    The opinions are mine ... and certainly don't represent   |
|         the official position of 3M or anyone else!          |