I am running listserv version 1.8a on a unix machine.  Below is an
error I received when an attempt was made to send mail to the list
and archive the mail.  I have checked the disk is ok.  I
have checked the permissions on the directories...and they are ok.
The only discrepancy I can find between the msg below and the actual
file is that the full path is /listserv/arch/D   <--note the capital
and I was wondering if this was the problem (you can tell I'm really
stretched for a solution here :-))  I have another list with archiving,
and sent a test msg and it is fine.  Any thoughts, hints, pointers
would be very much appreciated.  Thankyou all.
Sincerely, Trish
From LISTSERV@pdomain Wed Jan  4 17:14:23 1995
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 16:32:17 -0500
From: "L-Soft list server at PDOMAIN.UWINDSOR.CA (1.8a)" <LISTSERV@pdomain>
To: Trish@pdomain
Subject: Message ("An error occurred while logging mail to the...")
An error occurred while logging mail to the archives of the DEANS-L list. An
incomplete copy  of the message  might be present  in the archive  file. The
list is being held to prevent further occurrences of this error. Please take
corrective  action and  issue a  "FREE DEANS-L"  command when  you want  the
message to be reprocessed.
Serious error occurred - traceback follows
>>> Error X'00000011' opening file /listserv/arch/d/deans-l.log9501 <<<
 -> Severity: Warning
 -> Facility: Generic error codes
 -> Abstract: File/major entity not found
 -> I/O mode: Record write