I asked (regarding my approving a posting to an edited list):
>2. My organization's gateway will insist on rewriting "From:" lines [...]
>        What I need is a mechanism that retains the original header
>   information (in particular the "From:" line), by yet is immune to
>   the kind of header-meddling that my gateway does.
Bill Harvey <[log in to unmask]> replied:
>You could mail LISTSERV a distribute job with one recipient (the list)
>which contains the text of the mail including whatever headers you
>want ... 'Course, you've gotta build the
>distribute job manually (or automate it yourself)...  LISTSERV won't do it
>for you (as far as I know).
I don't know VMS job control.  Could someone tell me what this means in
terms of the content of the e-mail message that I would need to send to
listserv?  Do I need any special permission to do this, other than being
editor of the list in question?  Also, is there a mechanism that ensures
that only the editor or list-owner can do this?
Also, could someone confirm that distribution of mail to edited lists
happens if and only if "From:" or "Resent-From:" contains the e-mail
address of one of the list owners or one of the editors?
Shahrukh Merchant
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