On Tue, 3 Jan 1995 12:38:39 CST Chris Barnes said:
>I really don't have a good idea of how hard this would be to implement,
>but I don't think it would really be *that* hard.  My guess is that
>Listserv would just keep a file on the same disk as the archives
>(called "listname EDITOR" ?) that would hold the address of the last
>moderator that got hit.
How about a non-listserv solution.  This involves writing a very simple
mail re-directing DVM.  A trivial task for anyone who has done any
REXX programming.
Put the name of the new mail distributor as the first editor.  Put ALL
the editors as additional editors.  Mail comes in from any editor it
is distributed.  Mail comes in from a non editor and it gets sent to
the reader of the local mail distributor machine.  It then sends it
to one of a list of people it knows about, and it keeps track of who
should get the next one.
Should be pretty straight forward.
"They call me MR. PIG!" - Poomba