On Sat, 7 Jan 1995 23:34:00 EST linda said:
>hi. i co-own a very busy list that has developed two unrelated problems.
>the first is non-technical, but i hope someone can shed some light.
>our list has rules against flaming and we have a system of warning
>levels. if a poster continues to violate list rules, we send 2 private
>warnings then a public utimatum, then banishment. basically, we slap
>their address into the filter for 30 days. if, after 30 days they come
>back and climb the warning ladder again, they go forever. recently, a
>poster has earned himself a public utimatum. he has since posted threats
>to complain to the site that houses the list (my employer) that we are
>violating his 1st amendment rights. another poster has actually
>threatened to flood the email accounts of the administrators at my
>university to try and get the list shut down. these are two very hostile
>people who are not welcome contributors to an otherwise decent list.
I think you're too kind.  I would put this person on the 'ban forever
list' now - without further warnings.  If you're using LMAIL for
your MTA, you can also add his address so that Mailer rejects stuff
from him automatically - thus making his threat of mail bombing
Chris Barnes                                 (409) 846-3273 (home)
[log in to unmask]                        (409) 845-9520 (work)
"A child was born to win, but too many have been conditioned to loose."
   - Zig Ziglar