Per some suggestions here, I set
        List-ID= tango
for my list tango which was renamed to tango-L, so that people who
still tried to subscribe under the old name would not get simply a "this
list does not exist" message.
However, this does not work, as a test "review" and "signoff" command
done after I had PUT the header verified.  Does this take some time to
take effect (e.g., overnight)?  Does the postmaster also have to set up
something?  (The new draft "Keywords" document did not suggest either.)
By the way, e-mail sent to the old list address [log in to unmask] or
the administrative address [log in to unmask] does get
forwarded to the respective -L addresses, but that was true even before
I set up "List-ID= tango" so I think the postmaster set it up as an
explicit alias.  But any listserv commands on the old list name tango
returns a "No list by this name" message.
What am I doing wrong?
Shahrukh Merchant