Brad Samek wrote:
>      I was able to obtain the DEFAULT MAILTPL file and modify it, but I am
>   unable to send this file back to LISTSERV successfully.  Has anyone
>   dealt with this before and/or can anyone explain how to do this or get
>   documentation dealing with this?
What works for me is I log in to our server as listserv and just FTP the
file down to my local machine using ASCII mode. Then I edit it in a simple
ASCII editor like notepad and FTP it back, again using ASCII mode. A delete
and a rename to replace the previous version leaves everything working.
I have used the method to create a custom message, list_name.welcome and a
customized version of MAILTPL, list_name.mailtpl, where I only have text for
the messages I changed. Now instead of the generic "You have been subscribed
...", or "You have been removed ...", I can give them messages personalized
for our list.
|  Leon D. Wald                      3M Company                |
|  [log in to unmask]                    Storage Media Laboratory  |
|  (612) 733-3223 (Voice)            3M Center, 235-3B-30      |
|  (612) 736-6843 (FAX)              St. Paul, MN 55144-1000   |
|    The opinions are mine ... and certainly don't represent   |
|         the official position of 3M or anyone else!          |