On Fri, 3 Feb 1995 03:28:47 +0100 Eric Thomas said:
>My  recommendation  will be  to  pause  and  consider the  psychology  of
>technical people.  Technical people have  an unfortunate tendency  to get
>upset when  the same person  asks the same question  more than once  in a
>*lifetime*. The  same technical  people who  will completely  forget that
>you've been sending them mail for  the past 3 days asking about something
>will remember that 2 years ago you  asked the very same question and they
>gave you a  detailed answer. They'll remember that they  bet a pizza that
>you'd ask again within X months and will start arguing about the value of
>X to determine  who owes how many  pizzas to whom. Needless  to say, your
>only chance  of getting a second  answer is to  buy them all a  pizza and
>swear  it  will never  happen  again.  Checking  the  logs is  much  more
>convenient :-)
One of the things I learned in this list is to check the logs before I ask
something. So I did. Unfortunately, for both of us, I found nothing.
So I asked this list twice within a 3 week's period.
Despite the sarcastic and ironic content of the above message, do you have
an recommendations? And yes, since I do work as a Part-Time cook at a Greek
and Italian restaurant, I'll offer everybody a free pizza, next time they are
in the area.
BTW, as a technical person myself, I do have the tendency to get upset when
the same posting appears, but I also realize that there are people less
computer/network/listserv illiterate and still try to help. The reason being
that he will insist on asking.
Anything to say?
>  Eric