I am the editor for an Ophthalmology discussion listserv.
We are trying to find out how much information can be contained
in the "name" when subscribing.
Ideally, folks will signon/update subscription with their
title, MD/OD/PhD etc, and their specialty interest.
I would also like to know who has WWW access etc.
As the list grows longer, soliciting this info from time to time
is a lot of work...
We use the listserv to SCAN for email addresses, and to find a list
of "specialists" in one subspecialty already-this works well.
eg. [log in to unmask] ray Magauran, M.D. Gen Ophth
How much more "room" is there?  Can WWW=y or WWW=n, or other info
such as "Chairman UCLA"/"Chief, Glaucoma, NYU" be added?
TIA,(which in medicine is a Transient Ischemic Attack)
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