On   Thu,   9   Feb   1995   17:38:50   -0500   (EST)   Larry   Snodgrass
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>CREN  has been  attacking the  INTERBIT problem  from three  directions.
>Briefly they are:
>1) Provide  Listproc so  the list  management function  can be  moved to
>smaller, cheaper Unix systems.
>2) Provide a high volume mail transfer agent for Unix systems (ZMailer).
>3) Provide P/370s  to be installed in  RS/6000s so the P/370  can do NJE
>routing and the RS/6000 deliver Internet mail.
>(...) These  are CREN's ideas for  removing the huge INTERBIT  load from
>IBM  mainframes. None  of these  solve the  entire INTERBIT  problem for
>sites doing  the highest volume. Our  goal is to provide  some relief in
>the short term and solve the entire problem in the long term.
Could you please  elaborate on the short term part?  As I understood your
message, #3 is not available today, and #2 is really an add-on to #1 that
you  need to  deliver large  volumes  of mail.  So, if  I understood  you
correctly, CREN's plan  for the short term is to  make everyone switch to
ListProc? Is that correct or did I miss something?
Anyway I'm  glad that CREN's  plans for  INTERBIT are finally  public and
that an open, public discussion is invited. I'm volunteering LSTSRV-L for
this purpose  as LISTSERV users  are the  main victims of  these INTERBIT
delays and most of them are CREN members. Let's see what they think about
CREN's plans.