I'm trying to set up mailing list and would like to humbly ask if anybody is
interested in hosting the forum.  The topic in discussion is the educational
philosophy behind the so called "free school" system, and in particular the
school "Summerhill" which is the cornerstone, and most noted implimentation
of such ideas.  The free school philosophy basically holds that children
should be able to do whatever they like as long as it does not interfere
with the lives of others, and in that vein Summerhill has, for more than
sixty years, allowed children to govern themselves--creating and
implimenting the rules that govern both kids and staff.
This list would initially be quite a small time affair, and I have no idea
how much growth potential there is.  At the moment the subsciber-base would
only be 5 people, but I'm sure would grow somewhat as word spread.
I would take care of whatever is needed to suit your needs in running this list.
Thanks v. much--responses very much appreciated.
Over and out -- Charlie -- <[log in to unmask]>