On Thu, 23 Feb 1995 17:42:46 -0500 SHIRLEY VARMETTE - SOCIOLOGY said:
>  It might help if
>someone with the time (big problem I know) and the knowledge could put
>one list of contact names and addresses of commercial sites together that we
> can all then use.
    We're trying to start a list and to be able to comparison shop
would be better for my arguement that the powers that be should spend
their money on one system over the other would help a lot.
    Hey, I've looked and looked, there's no listing in _Comsumer Reports_
for listserves!  ;)  There can't be too many people selling space on
computers for listserves (this would be a short list, right?)
Ms. Racine Zackula
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School of Library and Information Management
Emporia State University