On Fri, 24 Feb 1995 13:11:15 EST Paul E. Goodwin III said:
>On Fri, 24 Feb 1995 10:38:43 -0600 Jorge O. Arriagada said:
>>Those with orphaned lists should start bugging the computer gurus at their
>>academic institutions to run listserv.  If budget is the problem I suppose
>they can consider MAJORDOMO, which at this point costs $0.00.
>Hehehe...the "cost" isn't a problem.  It doesn't cost us anything to run
>LISTSERV, except CPU time, net bandwidth, and disk space.  All the same
>problems we'd have with MAJORDOMO or any other list processor.
You mean those things aren't FREE?????   Boy was I confused.  I figured if
I didn't have to pay for it is must be free.   Drroooooooollllll.......
Dave Gomberg       Internet: [log in to unmask]