On Sat, 25 Feb 1995 05:32:07 -0500 SHIRLEY VARMETTE - SOCIOLOGY said:
>I'd like to add to this comment about lists vs newsgroups.  Some, like mine,
>have developed out of newsgroups.  Even within the "hobby" field and dog
>related lists probably fit there, these lists are specialized.
>There were at least five such lists at Ga Tech alone.  Obviously some will die.
>It probably would have happened anyway.  But, they develop because the
>newsgroups were not working for them.
I dunno.  I think they would work as Usenet groups, it's just that
mailing lists are so much easier to create than Usenet groups.
Usenet and mailing lists serve similar, but not identical purposes.
There is alot of crossover (and I expect that the crossover will
increase as time goes on).
Chris Barnes                                 (409) 846-3273 (home)
[log in to unmask]                        (409) 845-9520 (work)
"If the mind can conceive it, the body can achieve it."
      Napoleon Hill  (in his book _Think & Grow Rich_)